Watch Real UC Stories
Join Sunny and her friends Kimberly and Grady as they share their UC stories and discuss living fully, all while encouraging others to advocate for themselves and partner with their care teams.

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SUNNY: Hi, I’m Sunny Anderson. I have a TV show. I have a cookbook. And I also have ulcerative colitis.
SUNNY: Now, I'll tell you – getting to the point where I can be this open about my UC was quite the journey. Along the way, I learned that sharing what you've been through can help empower others. So, I thought some friends and I would share a little bit about our personal experiences.
SUNNY: I’m at my best when I’m in the kitchen. Creating meals and sharing them with the people I love is what fills me with joy.
SUNNY: Although I have UC, I try not to let that get in the way of my passion…
SUNNY: So, when my UC symptoms were out of control, it was isolating…
SUNNY: …I was lucky, my dad’s a doctor. He encouraged me to be open with my gastroenterologist.
SUNNY: And that's exactly what I did. I opened up.
SUNNY: I talked about my symptoms, my needs, my care preferences, all of it. I also found resources and encouragement that helped me learn to live with UC.
SUNNY: By partnering with my doctor, I was able to get my UC under control and shifted my focus to what’s important to me.
SUNNY: I worked hard, started a catering business, and was fortunate enough to star in my own cooking TV show.
SUNNY: I try not to let UC take my joy. Live for you, not UC.
SUNNY: Oh hey, Grady! You ready to tell your story? You are gonna love this. Enjoy.
GRADY: I'm Grady, I'm a performer and this is my story about living with Ulcerative Colitis.
GRADY: For me, living fully means embracing my love of the circus. In fact, I went to school for it!
GRADY: Taking circus arts classes meant I got to meet a lot of super-talented people.
GRADY: And I got to ride my unicycle in parades, I also learned to do this!
GRADY: So, when I was diagnosed with UC in college, I was forced to take a step back and take care of my health.
GRADY: It felt like life hit the brakes on me.
GRADY: I had to step up and take an active role in managing this disease. So, I spoke with my doctor about how UC was affecting me, my life, and my goals.
GRADY: I talked about what I wanted my care plan to look like – and I connected with other people living with UC. Once I got my UC symptoms under control, I was able to get back to what’s important to me. Now I embrace the ride!
GRADY: I’ve even used my unicycling skills to raise funds to support UC research!
GRADY: That’s how I learned to live fully with UC.
GRADY: You’re up next, Kimberly! You got this.
KIMBERLY: Hi everyone. I'm Kimberly, and I’m living with UC.
KIMBERLY: Having UC has inspired me to help build support systems for People of Color living with IBD. I’d love to share my journey with you.
KIMBERLY: I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis about 13 years ago. We’ve been through it, haven’t we gut?
KIMBERLY’S GUT: You know it!
KIMBERLY: In the past, I struggled to talk about my UC with my doctor. I tried to discuss the impact my condition had on my life and what I needed from a care plan.
KIMBERLY: I didn't see many Black or Brown people with UC. I felt there wasn't a space for me.
KIMBERLY: But things got better when I started advocating for myself and talking about my care needs with my doctor. I found out there are a lot more people like me with UC than I thought.
KIMBERLY: Now, I’m a passionate ambassador raising awareness about GI chronic conditions for People of Color. I connect them with educational resources to help them recognize their symptoms, get diagnosed early on, and learn about IBD.
KIMBERLY: My passion for advocacy and community is what makes my journey special to me.
KIMBERLY: That’s how I live for me and not my UC.
SUNNY: So those are our stories, y'all. Hopefully they showed that you can live fully with UC. Let your doctor know what's working for you and what isn't.
SUNNY: You and your doctor are on this UC journey together.
KIMBERLY: Put it all out there. You have got to be your own advocate.
GRADY: It helped me to go in with a list of goals and questions for my doctor. He was able to give me a better idea of how I could keep doing the things that I love.
SUNNY: It’s a great tip.
SUNNY: Your passions make you who you are. It’s what fills our world with color. It’s what makes us more than our UC.
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Live Fully with Sunny Anderson
Certain foods may affect people living with UC differently. And cooking show host, Sunny Anderson, has firsthand experience with that. Diagnosed with UC at the age of 19, she didn't let it take her joy away or her love for cooking.
That's why Pfizer is partnering with Sunny. Together, we’re bringing you exclusive recipes as well as resources that are designed to help you live fully.

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CREW (off camera): We are rolling.
SUNNY ANDERSON: Quiet in the kitchen. (laughter)
SUNNY ANDERSON: As a cooking show host, I have an amazing job. I also have Ulcerative Colitis. And for me, that means food can be a little tricky. But being in here, in the kitchen, it’s what feeds my soul. That’s why I’m partnering with Pfizer. To bring you tools and resources designed to help you live well with UC. We didn’t choose to have UC. But we can work toward living fully.
Take it from me. It can be hard to do much on an empty stomach. And living a full life when you’re absolutely starving? Huh! Out of the question. So I’ve created recipes that work for me to share with others who have UC. When you sign up for emails, you’ll receive my recipes and more resources designed to help you live well with UC.
Now, you know I’m all about eating well, too. Join me. I’ll be talking with others who have UC and sharing dishes that have helped me on my journey. So come hungry. And live fully.
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